Monday, April 20, 2009

Wide Sargasso Sea 1.

  1. So the book starts out with the summary of Antoinette's family and their past life.
  2. Her and her family don't fit in the Spanish Town, which is the white people area.
  3. Antoinette didn't have any friends, and her only friend in the neighborhood. Mr. Luttrell, out of nowhere shot his dog and left the town.
  4. Everyone says that Antionette is wayyy too pretty for her husband...
  5. This is similar to what we read about in class, which was the whole racism thing, and how people of certain races and colors don't fit in their community so they're kind of being left out.

4. Questions

  1. So after her only friend left her, she had noone else that she trusted in the whole neighborhood?
  2. Why doesn't their family want to visit them?
  3. Who killed (kidnapped) Mr. Luttrell?
  4. Right, so if the whole neighborhood is white, why is it called the Spanish Town?

3. Vocabulary:

  1. solicitor: a person having charge of the legal business
  2. feckless: ineffective
  3. emancipated: freed

2. Literary Terms:

  1. Narrator: "and then she falls passionately in love with him: throughout she views him with a kind of hypnotized terror" (p.7)
  2. Accent: " 'because she pretty like pretty self' Christophine said"

1. Overview Sentence:

  1. So the book starts out with Antoinette being really pretty, and people thinking that shes way too pretty for her husband, and her family is the only colored family in the whole neighborhood and they are being discriminated against.

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